Category Archives: General

links for 2009-11-14

  • A WordPress BuddyPress plugin that allows for new member moderation, if moderation is turned on from the admin settings page, any new members will be blocked from interacting with any buddypress elements (except editing their own profile and uploading their avatar) and will not be listed in any directory until an administrator approves or denies their account. This plugin also creates bp profile field checkbox groups on the /register page from checked off groups or blogs in the admin settings section so any new members can join one or more groups or blogs that you specify at registration. If moderation is turned on admins can create custom display messages and email alert messages for approved or denied accounts.

links for 2009-10-16

  • Today we have an awesome news theme, originally designed by DemusDesign, which I then ported to WordPress. This theme requires at least WordPress 2.8 to function properly, and includes some standard features such as threaded comments and comment pagination. There are also over 10 widget-ready areas, including a widgetized footer, plus a custom widget for ad management.

Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day

Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day!

A sysadmin worries about spam, viruses, spyware, but also power outages, fires and floods.

When the email server goes down at 2 AM on a Sunday, your sysadmin is paged, wakes up, and goes to work.

A sysadmin is a professional, who plans, worries, hacks, fixes, pushes, advocates, protects and creates good computer networks, to get you your data, to help you do work — to bring the potential of computing ever closer to reality.

So if you can read this, thank your sysadmin — and know he or she is only one of dozens or possibly hundreds whose work brings you the email from your aunt on the West Coast, the instant message from your son at college, the free phone call from the friend in Australia, and this webpage.

links for 2009-07-10

  • Classilla is bringing back web browser support to your classic Macintosh — built on WaMCoM, a port of Mozilla to classic Macintosh systems, using the same technology underpinning the popular Firefox browser. It's completely free and it's open source, and it's standards-compliant. Use it without cost or restriction; or, if you've got the skills, hack it and make it your own. Classilla brings your wonderful old Power Macintoshes back to life and back online.